Saturday, March 26, 2016

Laundry Detergent

We discovered you can make your own laundry detergent so we started saving our detergent bottles and finally made some. We've made two batches of it now, and we find it just as good as store-bought so we strongly recommend it to anyone who is tired of wasting money on laundry detergent. 

Re-filled Bottles of Laundry Detergent


2 bars laundry soap, grated (I used Sunlight - smells lovely and lemony)
2 1/2 cups Borax
2 1/2 cups washing soda
20 liters of hot water


Melt the grated bar of laundry soap with 4 L water. Mine came to a simmer and I allowed it to just simmer until the soap had all melted, about 10 minutes.

Add borax, washing soda and 16 L hot tap water to a large container like the bin in my pic.

Then add the melted soap to the bin as well and stir it in. Let sit overnight (it will gel). Bottle it into rinsed-out containers.

Bin of Detergent

To Bottle or Not Bottle

We actually didn't need to wait until we went through 9 more bottles of store-bought detergent just to have bottles to put it in. If you have a spot to keep it, you can keep it right in the bin or bucket you mixed it in and scoop it out of that. Or, you can ask family members and friends to start saving their detergent bottles for you and you would probably have enough in a couple of weeks.

This is a good investment! Ours lasts for about 5 months.